Hotel fm

Песни с Евровидения 2011

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Si te gusta la canción Change de Hotel fm - el letra es obligatorio para el conocimiento!

Hotel fm - Change letra de canción

You think you've got the time to figure it out
Life will pass you by, your time is running out, oh yeah
You're haunted by your troubles every day
Wasted smiles away, what's there left to say?
You've gotta make believe and make your dreams come true
It ain't that hard to do, whoa...

'Cause I can't change, I can't change the world alone
I need you all, everybody, start dreaming of it
And take your step that's gonna make a difference and change your world
'Cause I can't change the world alone
I need you all, everybody, start dreaming of it
And take your step that's gonna make a difference and change your world

Strangest places that you just wanna hide
Won't you turn the tide? A smile can change it all
You got to make believe and make your dreams come true
It ain't that hard to do, whoa...

'Cause I can't change, I can't change the world alone
I need you all, everybody, start dreaming of it
And take your step that's gonna make a difference and change your world

You gotta make believe, make your dreams come true
It ain't that hard to do, whoa...

I can't change, I can't change the world alone
I need you all, everybody, start dreaming of it
Take your step that's gonna make a difference and change your world
(I can't change the world alone)
(I need you all) I need you all, everybody
Take your step and make a difference and change the world

('Cause I can't change the world alone)
(I need you all) I need you all, oh everybody
Take your step that's gonna make a difference and change the world 

Hotel fm - Change lyrics.
ChangeHotel fm

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Las letras de la canción Change - Hotel fm.

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