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Si te gusta la canción Mother We Just Can't Get Enough de New Radicals - el letra es obligatorio para el conocimiento!

New Radicals - Mother We Just Can't Get Enough letra de canción

here's something about you,
tears me inside out whenever youre around
Theres something about you
Speeding thru my viens until we hit the ground
And there's something about this rush
Take it away
It made me feel so good
I get a feeling, you get a feeling, we got a feeling
like we could die
And guess what mother
We just cant get enough
We just cant get enough
we just gotta get it up
we just gotta get it up
Thers something about you
That tears me inisde out whenever youre around
And theres something about you
That makes me fly
Youre a heart attack, just the kind I like
and theres something about your kiss
haunting and strange
That makes me feel so good
I get a feeling, you get a feeling we got a feeling
Like we're alive
This world may not have too much time
But baby I'm fine because baby you're mine
We just cant't get enough
You better give up, come on and give up
give up your life
it's you for me, and me for you
You make my dreams come true
Off the wall coming from me
But I wanna see this through, my baby
You're on my mind all the time
I found a million dimes
You rolled the dice, and lost them all  

New Radicals - Mother We Just Can't Get Enough lyrics.
Mother We Just Can't Get EnoughNew Radicals

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