New Radicals

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Si te gusta la canción You get what you give de New Radicals - el letra es obligatorio para el conocimiento!

New Radicals - You get what you give letra de canción

Wake up kids
We've got the dreamers disease
Age fourteen
we got you down on your knees
So polite
you're busy still saying please
who when you're down ain't your friend
Every night
we smash their mercedes-benz
First we run
and then we laugh till we cry
But when the night is falling
and you cannot find the light
If you feel your dream is dying
Hold tight
You've got the music in you
Don't let go
You've got the music in you
One dance left
This world is gonna pull through
Don't give up
You've got a reason to live
Can't forget you only get what you give
Four a.m. we ran a miracle mile
were flat broke but hey we do it in style
The bad rich
God's flying in for your trial
This whole damn world can fall apart
You'll be ok follow your heart
You're in harms way I'm right behind
Now say youre mine  

New Radicals - You get what you give lyrics.
You get what you giveNew Radicals

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Las letras de la canción You get what you give - New Radicals.

No siempre es posible entender sobre qué está cantado en la canción y justamente para tales casos te servirán las letras de la canción You get what you give de New Radicals. También, gracias al texto podrás fácilmente canturrear tu canción favorita.

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