Steve Winwood


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Si te gusta la canción Valerie de Steve Winwood - el letra es obligatorio para el conocimiento!

Steve Winwood - Valerie letra de canción

So wild, standing there, with her hands in her hair
I can't help remember just where she touched me
There's still no face here in her place
So cool, she was like jazz on a summer's day
Music, high and sweet, then she just blew away
Now she can't be that warm with the wind in her arms

Valerie, call on me-call on me, Valerie
Come and see me-I'm the same boy I used to be

Love songs fill the night, but they don't tell it all
Not how lovers cry out just like they're dying
Her cries hang there in time somewhere
Someday, some good wind may blow her back to me
Some night I may hear her like she used to be 

Steve Winwood - Valerie lyrics.
ValerieSteve Winwood

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Las letras de la canción Valerie - Steve Winwood.

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