Steve Winwood


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Si te gusta la canción The morning side de Steve Winwood - el letra es obligatorio para el conocimiento!

Steve Winwood - The morning side letra de canción

You meet every kind of person moving toward the morning side
You see the good and the bad, the eyes are sad
You play every midnight gambler before you see the light
On the morning side, the morning side

You feel every heat and passion moving towards the morning side
To earn one more second chance, you learn the dance
When you finally climb the mountain, you see the other side
It's the morning side, the morning side

Now my life has changed and now my eyes can see
Now I'm living on the morning side
Now I'm letting all the sunlight into me
Now I'm free

And I know I'll never pass that way again 

Steve Winwood - The morning side lyrics.
The morning sideSteve Winwood

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Las letras de la canción The morning side - Steve Winwood.

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