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Si te gusta la canción Scorching breath de Atrocity - el letra es obligatorio para el conocimiento!

Atrocity - Scorching breath letra de canción

Flames of fire destryoing the world's delusion
your own created nightmare stabs you to death
listen to your hipocrisy,your everlasting false belief
holy ground,a holy grave divine fate by divine grace
Deathly pallor funeral cortege mass extermination the scorching breath
greedy death mask greeping barrage deadly termination the scorching breath
War-demons,demolition deep,down from the infernal regions
your dreams of dread will take you soon to the dead
Deathly pallor funeral cortege mass extermination the scorching breath
greedy death mask greeping barrage deadly termination the scorching breath
From pride to the fall - the way is very short
the scorching breath takes the world apart
Deathly pallor funeral cortege mass extermination the scorching breath
greedy death mask greeping barrage deadly termination the scorching breath
Naked skeletons piled up like stackled wood
iced sea of depression numbed with cold and fear 

Atrocity - Scorching breath lyrics.
Scorching breathAtrocity

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Las letras de la canción Scorching breath - Atrocity.

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