Geri Halliwell


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Si te gusta la canción Scream if you wanna go faster de Geri Halliwell - el letra es obligatorio para el conocimiento!

Geri Halliwell - Scream if you wanna go faster letra de canción

Lonely hearts are welcome here
Take my hand let's disappear
Serenity is almost here,
Oh Lord

Don't let life pass you by
Jump on in, get ready to fly

Gimme some, gimme some gasoline
Tell me what you want
Know what I mean
And scream if you wanna go faster, baby
Scream if you wanna go faster

Leave behind the walk of shame
Take my hand, you're not to blame
Surrender to what you can't change, oh God

Don't let love pass you by
Let it in don't ask why

Gimme some, gimme some gasoline
Tell me what you want,
Know what I mean
And scream if you wanna go faster Baby
Scream if you wanna go faster

Gimme some
Gimme some, give me some sweet F.A.
Have a nice day
As Americans say
And scream if you wanna go faster baby
Scream if you wanna go faster

Gimme some, gimme some gasoline
Tell me what you want
Know what I mean
And scream if you wanna go faster...

Geri Halliwell - Scream if you wanna go faster lyrics.
Scream if you wanna go fasterGeri Halliwell

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