Geri Halliwell


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Si te gusta la canción Love is the only light de Geri Halliwell - el letra es obligatorio para el conocimiento!

Geri Halliwell - Love is the only light letra de canción

When the lights go down on me
When the truth is hard to see
When hope is fading out of site
Love is the only light

When my world becomes unreal
And the pain is all I feel
When I can't find the love I knew
It's sad but true

We find ourselves crying cos we can't make it last
We hope for the future then we reach for the past
When you find yourself alone tonight
Please believe me
Love is the only light

When I find no reasons why
And it's time to say goodbye
When there's nothing left to say or do
It's sad, sad but true

We find ourselves crying cos we can't make it last
We hope for the future then we reach for the past
When you find yourself alone tonight
Please believe me
Love is the only light

Burn my fingers
Feel the pain
Kiss the flame
And start again
And again
And again
And again
And again
And again

We find ourselves crying cos we can't make it last
We hope for the future then we reach for the past
When you find yourself alone tonight
Please believe me
Love is the only light
Love is the only light
When you find yourself alone tonight
Please believe me
Love is the only light

Geri Halliwell - Love is the only light lyrics.
Love is the only lightGeri Halliwell

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