Geri Halliwell


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Si te gusta la canción Look At Me de Geri Halliwell - el letra es obligatorio para el conocimiento!

Geri Halliwell - Look At Me letra de canción

Good-looking, bad-tasting
Full-bodied, butt-wasting
Loose-living, tight-fitting
What you see ain't what you are getting
Big make-up, little break-up
She wants it, he's got it
Cold-blooded, hot gossip
Superficial expectations

Look at me
You can take it all because this face is free
Maybe next time use your eyes and look at me
I'm a drama queen if that's your thing baby
I can even do reality

Fake money, real plastic
Stupid cupid, fantastic
Queer thinking, straight talking
What you see ain't what you are getting
Fast loving, slow moving
No rhythm, but I'm grooving
Old feeling, new beginning
Superficial expectations

Look at me
You can take it all because this face is free
Maybe next time use your eyes and look at me
I'm a drama queen if that's your thing baby
I can even do reality

Sometimes I don't recognise my own face
I look inside my eyes and find disgrace
My little white lies tell a story
I see it all, it has no glory

Look at me
You can take it all because this face is free
Maybe next time use your eyes and look at me
I'm a drama queen if that's your thing baby
I can even do reality

Come and look at me
This face is free
I'm your fantasy
Who do you wannabe?
Not what you see
I'm a drama queen if that's your thing
Come on and look at me
I'm your fantasy
This face is free
Come on and look at me
So who do you wannabe?

Geri Halliwell - Look At Me lyrics.
Look At MeGeri Halliwell

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Las letras de la canción Look At Me - Geri Halliwell.

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