Geri Halliwell


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Si te gusta la canción Feel The Fear de Geri Halliwell - el letra es obligatorio para el conocimiento!

Geri Halliwell - Feel The Fear letra de canción

The sky is gonna cry tonight
Flowing like a river it softly slips away
The sun won't shine so bright
Cos she knows it'll never start another day

Nothing lasts forever
It comes as no surprise
We were strong together
Now I realize,
Oh please just

Give me one more day, I've got to have my say
I'm not afraid to feel the fear and do it anyway
No I'm never giving up, cos I haven't had enough
Of all of the love, feel the fear and do it anyway


Gonna say hello to my soul today
Sitting on a mountain saying goodbye to the sun
Before you throw it all away
I'd like to say sorry for all the things I've done

Nothing lasts forever
It comes as no surprise
We were strong together
Now I realize,
Oh please just

Give me one more day, I've got to have my say
I'm not afraid to feel the fear and do it anyway
No I'm never giving up, cos I haven't had enough
Of all of the love, feel the fear and do it anyway
Do it anyway

Found the line that I like in my book of life
When I'm searching for the truth
There's a time and a place for sacrifice
But I don't want to

Just give me one more day, I've got to have my say
I'm not afraid to feel the fear and do it anyway
No I'm not giving up, cos I haven't had enough
Of all of the love, feel the fear and do it anyway

Geri Halliwell - Feel The Fear lyrics.
Feel The FearGeri Halliwell

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