Reba Mcentire

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Si te gusta la canción You Lift Me Up To Heaven de Reba Mcentire - el letra es obligatorio para el conocimiento!

Reba Mcentire - You Lift Me Up To Heaven letra de canción

(jim zerface, bob morrison, johnny macrae)

Been to colorado where the mountains touch the sky
And i've done other things in life to lift my spirits high
But nothing that i've ever tried to do
Has taken me as high as loving you

Cause you lift me up, up, up, up to heaven
When you gently lay me down
You lift me up, up, up, up to heaven
Yes you make my world go round

I never try to get away on daydreams anymore
Love's taken me to places that i've never been before
But if it's not heaven when you're holding me
It's the way that heaven oughta be

Repeat chorus

And we never leave the ground
Up, up, up, up to heaven
Yes you make my world go round 

Reba Mcentire - You Lift Me Up To Heaven lyrics.
You Lift Me Up To HeavenReba Mcentire

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Las letras de la canción You Lift Me Up To Heaven - Reba Mcentire.

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