Plan B

Rock/Pop, Pop

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Si te gusta la canción Welcome To Hell de Plan B - el letra es obligatorio para el conocimiento!

Plan B - Welcome To Hell letra de canción

Welcome to hell
Welcome to hell that's what I heard them sing
Welcome to hell yeah
Oh we're so happy that you're here today

There's a warden waiting to meet me
As I make my way inside of the jail
He smiles at me ever so sweetly
And sends to me on route to my cell

Welcome to hell
Welcome to hell that's what I heard them sing
Welcome to hell yeah
Oh we're so happy that you're here today

Grins all up on their faces
Lookin so delighted I'm here
Murders, robbers and rapists
All shouting up in my ear

Welcome to hell
Welcome to hell that's what I heard them sing
Welcome to hell yeah
Oh we're so happy that you're here today

Put my brave face on
Can't let 'em know that I'm scared
Put my brave face on
Cos if they know then I'm dead
I put my brave face on
Can't let 'em know that I'm scared
I put my brave face on

And don't I know, don't I know, don't I know
Just how low, just how low, just how low (just how low)
I've fallen down, I've fallen down
And I can see, I can see, I can see
What's in store for me, oh for me, oh for me
Fallin out, there's no way out now

Welcome to hell
Welcome to hell that's what I heard them sing
Welcome to hell yeah
Oh we're so happy that you're here today

Put my brave face on
Can't let 'em know that I'm scared
I put my brave face on
Cos if they know then I'm dead
I put my brave face on
Can't let 'em know that I'm scared
I put my brave face on

Plan B - Welcome To Hell lyrics.
Welcome To HellPlan B

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