Corrosion Of Conformity

Rock, Other

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Si te gusta la canción Senor Limpio de Corrosion Of Conformity - el letra es obligatorio para el conocimiento!

Corrosion Of Conformity - Senor Limpio letra de canción

Sleeping on the wing
Busted flat and dusted boy your minds a terrible thing
Said the man with a dirty hand who claimed that he was king
Choking angels from inside trying to make them sing
C ause your short of breath and close to death from sleeping on
The wing
Dirty king, dirty king now your strapped in for
The ride- its so hard to be a fighter when
Your hands are always tied.
Mr. Innocent blood says he kills but just for love
Toobad the good ones always have to take the blame
"hey" sharp toungue liar making pay ina bed of fire
To bad your dreams are always made of losing games
Dirty king dirty king now your shrapped in for
The ride, its so hard to be a fighter when your hands are always tied.
But i want to i want to iwannt to but my hands were always tied up
But i want to i want to iwant to but my hands were alw ys tied
And i wish i had myself a dime for every time i cursed your
Goddamn name...
Mister clean
Sweatin on the line doin 40 wasting time 

Corrosion Of Conformity - Senor Limpio lyrics.
Senor LimpioCorrosion Of Conformity

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