Corrosion Of Conformity

Rock, Other

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Si te gusta la canción King Of The Rotten de Corrosion Of Conformity - el letra es obligatorio para el conocimiento!

Corrosion Of Conformity - King Of The Rotten letra de canción

If I was king of all the rotten
stealing filth from those forgotten
would you be my queen of this desperate land, do you give a damn?

What if I had to scold you
listen once but never tried and true
What if I had to trade you for another man, do you think I can?

I won't call on the angels no
beating on the line as I turn to amputate...
I'm bleeding on you

What if you were torn in two
what if I wanted to be like you
what if I was high like an aeroplane, would you look at me the same?

I won't call on the angels no
beating on the line as I turn to amputate...
I'm bleeding on you

If we walked side by side
would you step stab my back and kill my pride
or would you fall ahead, or would you move behind,
tell me what's unkind

Now if I was king of all the rotten
stealing filth from those forgotten 

Corrosion Of Conformity - King Of The Rotten lyrics.
King Of The RottenCorrosion Of Conformity

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