Corrosion Of Conformity

Rock, Other

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Si te gusta la canción Heaven's Not Overflowing de Corrosion Of Conformity - el letra es obligatorio para el conocimiento!

Corrosion Of Conformity - Heaven's Not Overflowing letra de canción

h have been hunting on the i-10 with jesus and a liar
And watched anancient mann use a gun to retire
Iai seen the wall fall down and crush the old
So now every bodys hungry but theyed rather be cold
Let it go , let it go, let it go b
Before we lose it all in time whats
Deserved always gets served
Cause we stick therefore we can, break down endtime
Hey fool havent you heard heavens not over flowing
Andi i been to a seance for the klu klux klan,
I ve seen a brother kill another w?ith hisown bare hand
I seen your rising son fall in your mamas eye
And now the cops got a m edal but he calls it a prize.
Let it go let it go let it geaux
Before we lose it all% in time 

Corrosion Of Conformity - Heaven's Not Overflowing lyrics.
Heaven's Not OverflowingCorrosion Of Conformity

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