Corrosion Of Conformity

Rock, Other

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Si te gusta la canción Goodbye Windows de Corrosion Of Conformity - el letra es obligatorio para el conocimiento!

Corrosion Of Conformity - Goodbye Windows letra de canción

Past regrets and future fears
Turns a boy to a man sooner than planned
All the same, the boy remains
Even though he's free, he can't fly with these heavy chains
Saw your mother yesterday
And she had these words to say like a judgement day

I think he shoulda known better
I think he shoulda known better

I'd rather have holes in my eyes
I'd rather have hole in my eyes
Then to watch your soul paralyed...goodbye
Your shining son no longer glows
Through the goodbye window
Through the goodbye window

Thirsty from the start
Very soon you learned the part of the redeemer, what a dreamer
So you're waiting on the call
Pretty soon you'll know it all, holy mountains fall

And he might make you you lazy
2 might make you crawl
3 might make you crazy
And 4 ends it all

I'd rather have holes in my eyes 

Corrosion Of Conformity - Goodbye Windows lyrics.
Goodbye WindowsCorrosion Of Conformity

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