Pet Shop Boys

Synthpop, Other

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Si te gusta la canción More Than A Dream de Pet Shop Boys - el letra es obligatorio para el conocimiento!

Pet Shop Boys - More Than A Dream letra de canción

Coming soon
Something good
Something we can share
Could be better news
We can share
Something's coming soon
I hear it everywhere

(live it) it's the story of our lives
(come give it) it's the way we've always been
(come give it) though the mountains may divide
(come give it) we can reach the sea

I believe we can change
We can make it more than a dream
And I believe we can change
It's not as strange as it might seem

In the air I can feel
Something magical becoming real
From the other side looking in
Come on, throw the dice
And tonight we'll win

(live it) it's the story of our lives
(come give it) it's the way we've always been
(come give it) though the mountains may divide
(come give it) we can reach the sea

I believe we can change
We can make it more than a dream
And I believe we can change
It's not as strange as it might seem

Driving through the night
Just you and me
Faster than any light
Something's calling (calling, calling)
Calling us away
Do you believe
Heaven isn't that obvious
We'll be there in a heartbeat

I believe we can change
We can make it more than a dream
And I believe we can change
It's not as strange as it might seem

It's not as strange as it might seem

I believe we can change
We can make it more than a dream
And I believe we can change
It's not as strange as it might seem

Pet Shop Boys - More Than A Dream lyrics.
More Than A DreamPet Shop Boys

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Las letras de la canción More Than A Dream - Pet Shop Boys.

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