Pet Shop Boys

Synthpop, Other

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Si te gusta la canción My October Symphony de Pet Shop Boys - el letra es obligatorio para el conocimiento!

Pet Shop Boys - My October Symphony letra de canción

So much confusion
when autumn comes around
What to do about October?
How to smile behind a frown?
It's hard to settle down

It's so bemusing
Will they cancel the parade?
We marched each October
Now they say we were never even saved
We must be very brave

Shall I rewrite or revise
my October symphony?
Or as an indication
change the dedication
from revolution to revelation?

So we're all drinking
as leaves fall to the ground
because we've been thinking
how October's let us down
then and now

Shall we remember
December instead?
Or worry about February?
Mourn our war-torn dead
never seeing red?

Shall I rewrite or revise
my October symphony?
Or as an indication
change the dedication
from revolution to revelation?

Pet Shop Boys - My October Symphony lyrics.
My October SymphonyPet Shop Boys

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Las letras de la canción My October Symphony - Pet Shop Boys.

No siempre es posible entender sobre qué está cantado en la canción y justamente para tales casos te servirán las letras de la canción My October Symphony de Pet Shop Boys. También, gracias al texto podrás fácilmente canturrear tu canción favorita.

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