Pet Shop Boys

Synthpop, Other

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Si te gusta la canción Tonight Is Forever de Pet Shop Boys - el letra es obligatorio para el conocimiento!

Pet Shop Boys - Tonight Is Forever letra de canción

I may be wrong, I may be right
Money's short and time is tight
Don't even think about those bills
Don't pay the price, we never will
We're out again, another night
I never have enough
It will be like this forever
if we fall in love

Tonight is forever
Tell me now you don't disagree
Tonight is forever
Open the door, you hold the key

I may be wrong, I may be right
so don't depend, I could lie
I haven't got a job to pay
but I could stay in bed all day
Then out again another night
I never have enough
It will be like this forever
if we fall in love

Tonight is forever
Tell me now you don't disagree
Tonight is forever
Open the door, you hold the key

Tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight
tonight is the first night
We don't need any more when we dance
I don't think of the future tonight

Tonight is forever
Tell me now you don't disagree
Tonight is forever
Open the door, you hold the key

I may be wrong, I may be right
but I don't give up any night
You could say conventional
and I could claim intentional
We're out again another night
We never have enough
It will be like this forever
when we fall in love

Tonight is forever
Tell me now you don't disagree
Tonight is forever
Open the door, you hold the key tonight

Pet Shop Boys - Tonight Is Forever lyrics.
Tonight Is ForeverPet Shop Boys

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Las letras de la canción Tonight Is Forever - Pet Shop Boys.

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